Monday, August 15, 2011


How far is the Goden Rule, from Psalms 1, and Psalms 1 from The Greatest Commandment and the second greatest; and from Psalms 119 ?
Or a need for proof of a creator, from approved for creation?
Phi or Phi (phI or phEE), STRAIGHT BY NATURE, or putting a slant on things ourselves?
Bending the rules or working the RIGHT curves?
Finding a wave of change, why resist change; or, why to resist it?

It does sound like an oxymoron "cooperative individualism" but are where are they if they are not scornful or ponting out something to point at?
Anyway, this article goes back a short time ago... how far its gone is something to think about {excert:

....and at the sacrifice of cultural subjects.

The inevitable struggle with poverty so dominates the consciousness of youth that the workshop must replace the ivory tower. The prevailing standards of education do not determine life; it is the other way around. And as the fight for mere existence increases so that education is no longer an effective weapon it will be discarded altogether. For when a high school boy sees the despondent Phi Beta Kappa man eking out an existence no better than that of any WPA worker, his desire for a college education must cool. Indeed, it has already become a prime object of education to merely keep youth a little longer out of the competitive labor market -- a sort of high class, charitable sanctuary -- an escape.

We must not blame educators for lowering their ideals; they are being forced to it. If any blame is attached to them, it is in not pointing out the cause for the constantly lowering standards of life for which their students must prepare themselves. And the finger of scorn may most justly be pointed at those entrusted with the teaching of political economy. Theirs is a grievous fault
{end excert}

Stonehenge may hold a unique element of Phi in its geometry, if my calculations are correct; what of it, hasn't it been proven to be a grave yard or something? Jacobs latter had Angels going up and Angels coming down; i've wundered of the two, the Latter and Stonehenge.

Astrological Forecasts for Monday, Aug. 15, 2011

Aries (March 21-April 19): Today is an 8 -- Plug a financial leak. Provide excellent service to those around you. Motivate others to do the same, and it ripples out. Capture your inventive thoughts in writing.

Taurus (April 20-May 20): Today is an 8 -- Accept a pearl of wisdom from a friend. It was meant to grace you. Go ahead and confide; there's love. Set your pessimism down like a heavy bag. You can pick it up later.

Gemini (May 21-June 21): Today is an 8 -- You could take a tough assignment that becomes profitable. Gather it up and keep moving to generate more. Ask for what you want. Get what you need. Rest at home later.

Cancer (June 22-July 22): Today is an 8 -- You've got a fantastic view from this height. Use it to see the whole picture: roads, connections, networks. Plan your route and set off on an adventure.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Today is an 8 -- The money's available, once your commit yourself. Plan your course of action. Include tried-and-true strategies as well as untested dreams and desires. Use resources wisely.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Today is a 9 -- Things are moving right along. Move yourself with exercise or travel, or push a project forward to bring in the pasta. Friends and connections speed it up.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Today is an 8 -- Tap into abundance. There are multiple opportunities, so take as many as possible. Bring in the harvest of seeds sown earlier. Then socialize and explore.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Today is an 8 -- Love blossoms. You could stop and smell the flowers, or keep going about your business and hope for the best. The choice is yours. Be creative.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Today is an 8 -- Take advantage of renewed energy levels to accomplish those projects that have resisted you in the past. Keep your home tidy. Reward yourself after.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Today is an 8 -- Use your communication skills to delegate for more productivity with less effort. Let a professional represent you. Consider plans for epic travel and adventure.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Today is an 8 -- Now's a good time to find an investor for your brilliant ideas. Have you considered developing a new application? Find strength in numbers. Partnership is key.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): Today is a 7 -- You and others discover your new talents. The glass is neither half-full nor half-empty. It's completely full and threatens to overflow. Get support where needed.