Monday, December 1, 2008

What The Bleep Is Barack Obama?

The web results for those still asking : Web
Results 1 - 10 of about 376 for “An Open Letter to Barack Obama: Are you a Natural Born CITIZEN OF THE U.S.?". (0.10 seconds)

...So why does it take so long to find this out?
If this is true that he is not a U.S. citizen, then is there falsification or misrepresentation?
Is he the only one involved with the falsification?
What is the crime or is there a crime?

What is the punishment?

What then to do about finding our real next U.S. President?


1 comment:

E P. UNUM said...

An Open Letter to Barack Obama: Are you a Natural Born
"An Open Letter to Barack Obama: Are you a Natural Born Citizen of the U.S.? Are you legally eligible to hold the Office of President? We The People Foundation... ReVerse Micelles U.S.
10:30 pm


Despite the overbroad and erroneous claims of many news sources, Hawaii officials have NOT confirmed that Obama was born in Hawaii. Read the 10/31/08 official Hawaii Dept. of Health press release. Again, at NO time do state officials confirm that Obama was actually born in Hawaii.

Compounding the question surrounding Obama's citizenship status is the subsequent statement of Health Department spokeswoman Janice Okubo (see Chicago Tribune, 10-31-08). Citing Hawaii state privacy laws, and guidance from the state attorney general, she said she, “was not permitted to confirm the authenticity of the certificate released by the Obama campaign.”


Read the Berg lawsuit (currently at the U.S. Supreme Court) Berg's initial complaint (right-click to download)

Among Berg's arguments is that if Obama was born in Kenya, U.S. Immigration law in effect in 1961 barred Obama from U.S. citizenship at birth because his father was a Kenyan citizen and his mother, although a U.S. citizen, was not a resident of the U.S. for at least FIVE years following her 14th birthday. Obama's mother was only 18 at the time of Obama's birth, and thereby barred - by U.S. law - from passing U.S. citizenship to her child Obama. See page 6 of the legal brief.

Read the Donofrio appeal Mr. Donofrio’s arguments to the U.S. Supreme Court. (right-click to download). Donofrio's primary legal argument is that Obama could never be a constitutional "natural born" citizen simply because his father was a legal citizen of another nation, i.e. Kenya, regardless of place of birth. See page 16 of the brief.


Mr. Obama has only proffered a discredited 2007 computer-generated, unsigned, "Certification of Live Birth".

This “short-form” document is NOT the same as an original vault copy birth certificate (i.e., a “Certificate of Live Birth”) as it does not bear a sworn certification of an attendant (physician) or contain other vital birth information such as hospital location, mother’s age, etc. which are necessary to verify the full citizenship status of a person.


Obama's Indonesian school document indicates Obama was a citizen of Indonesia. (original copy and translation shown)


Read the sworn affidavits of Bishop Ron McRae and Kweli Shuhubia (second affidavit includes partial transcript of an audio recording of Obama's grandmother stating she attended Obama's birth in KENYA.)

FACTCHECK.ORG: Undisclosed conflict of interest is an arm of the powerful Annenberg Foundation which also runs the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, the entity which employed Barack Obama as its chairman of the board. conducted an allegedly "independent" analysis of Obama's 2007 computer-generated birth document (see above).

According to the National Review, the Annenberg Challenge was founded by former “Weather Underground” terrorist Bill Ayers, who apparently played a pivotal role in politically positioning Obama to run for public office. See this National Review article detailing Obama’s relationship to Annenberg and Ayers and its unsuccessful efforts to review the archives of the Annenberg Challenge.